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Who Am I?


Who am I? If you asked me a year ago would the answer have been different? A full year into the pandemic and a lot of self reflection has shaped how I answer that question. And if you had asked me two year ago when we started thinking about Kiss my Credentials I know part of my answer would have been so very different.

How is it that we can change so much and yet still be who we are? And who am I?

I’ll start with the easy stuff and that is who I am in relationship to others. I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, colleague and fellow human walking along this earth. I have my roles as an occupational therapist, an employee, an educator, a people pleaser, the fixer, the dog fosterer, the family glue (you know the one who makes sure everyone is doing okay and keeps the extended family together), and the fun police (thank you anxiety).

But if I peel back the layers that define me by what’s outside of me and shine the light deep within, well that’s where the real me hangs out. The one who hasn’t really changed since childhood.

The introvert who craves silence. The body and mind that gets overwhelmed by busy, loud and anything that is just too much. The over thinker who wants to research all the things. The minimalist who needs less in order to live more. The sensitive soul who feels each exquisite emotion so deeply that sometimes it’s easier to feel nothing at all. The hopeful optimist that believes with connection and compassion the world will be a better place.

And this part of me is where the ideas come from. This introverted, anxious, overthinking, sensitive optimistic minimalist. And wow has it taken a while for me to see her good qualities. The world can be a hard place for her and make her feel like she is not enough. Not strong enough, not adaptable enough, not fun enough. Not enough.

But underneath it all - all the labels and roles and expectations put on us by ourselves or others - we are exactly enough. We have all the credentials we need to be our true selves. And to those who tell us we need to be more of anything…

well they can kiss my...


So that’s my current short answer to the who am I question. While I may change some things about me, that real me will be the one that shows up here. And will show up for others. To anyone who wants to share their credentials - the ones that make you who you are most welcome here!

Be you!


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