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Yes, I rage watch the budgets, what of it.

So there is this meme going around lately that says ell me you are a parent without telling me you are a parent (and a million different variations on this theme). I was thinking about this today as I watched the budget debates, because that is who I am as a human and now you know that about me. Two of the main debates are regarding providing sick days for all workers, which Minister Don Morgan thinks “would be an unnecessary imposition,” and creating an affordable, accessible childcare program, which was laid out in the federal budget but met with skepticism by our provincial government.

So this was my thought. Tell me you are affected by the patriarchy without telling me you are affected by the patriarchy.

We know that not having programs such as this disproportionately impacts women in the workforce. Childcare still predominantly falls in the domestic sphere of women. We are the ones who organize babysitters, make sure PD days are covered, and are woken up to comfort our babies in the middle of the night. This is not meant to criticize your amazing partner who helps out around the house. Please don’t “not all men” me on this one. I get it. We are talking systemically, as a whole, this is what it looks like. Women getting passed up on promotions or contracts because bosses are afraid they might leave for maternity leave. Not being taken as seriously by your colleagues, such as being asked if you are the nurse when you know you are the doctor. This plays out in a variety of ways every day. My biggest pet peeve is when women who run for office get referred to by their first name when their male counterparts get referred to by their last (i.e. President Biden and Kamala I hear ALL the time!)

So let's hear it. Tell me that you are affected by the patriarchy without telling me you are affected by the patriarchy.

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